Minimal Go HTTP Servers

Minimal Go HTTP Servers
Hi there. In this post, I’m going to go over a couple snippets of minimal HTTP servers that I use from time to time when I’m tinkering with Go.
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Python Geographic Plotting

Python Geographic Plotting
G’day everyone! The topic of this post focuses on geography related plotting strategies. Specifically, I’m going to show you how to get started making your own beautiful visualizations in Python so you can avoid the methods that require heftier buy-in like D3 or some dashboarding toolkits.
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Snippets: Go For-Select

Snippets: Go For-Select
Hi Folks, it’s been a while and I remembered some handy snippets I’d used for Go synchronization a while back and figured it would be a good blog post subject.
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Snippets: tmux

Snippets: tmux
Today’s post is going to be short and sweet. You’re probably used to SSH’ing into remote instances and doing some debugging, running some commands, etc.
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